22/01/2025 This class action addresses allegations that Visa and Mastercard imposed anti-competitive interchange fees on commercial card transactions.
21/01/2025 Sussex Emmaus is celebrating the first anniversary of its vintage clothing social enterprise, Outfit London Road. The charity is inviting the local community to a special late-night shopping event for the occasion.
21/01/2025 We teamed up with The Charity Shop Gift Card to gather opinions on charity shopping, focused on secondhand gifting. It was estimated that £2bn was expected to be spent on secondhand gifts in 2024. We wanted to dive a little deeper into this trend.
21/01/2025 New corporate member ThriftyFind is inviting charities to join a pilot of their innovative new app. Find out more to see how they can help expand your charity's reach.
17/01/2025 The conference planning group met last week and have confirmed the theme for our 2025 conference in Harrogate.
17/01/2025 We are pleased to announce that four CRA members have been shortlisted for several prestigious awards in the Drapers Conscious Fashion Awards 2025!